Capture One Pro Should you buy a perpetual license or a subscription? - DJP - Which Version of Capture One 12 is Right for You?

Capture One Pro Should you buy a perpetual license or a subscription? - DJP - Which Version of Capture One 12 is Right for You?

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Update: this article was written for Capture One Pro 21 and prices may have changed for Capture One Pro 22, therefore please check before committing to any purchase. If you found this feature useful, please consider buying a on or subscription through our links. Also unlike Lightroom, you can adobe indesign blogspot free choose a traditional perpetual license model using paid-for upgrades to keep abreast freee new features, or opt for a continuously payable subscription.

Service updates are free and typically include bug fixes, occasional new features and support for new calture. Should you wish to benefit from major new features then you will have to upgrade. Adopting caputre subscription route is the cheapest option /51398.txt you want to benefit from the continual improvements, camera and lens support and of course all the new features.

And if you leave capture one pro 12 upgrade price free or four years, then you might not be able to upgrade. There are other ways to save. Expect to capture one pro 12 upgrade price free a review soon. Fujifilm, Nikon or Sony only user? Support this site If you found this feature useful, please consider buying a license or subscription through our links.

Thank you привожу ссылку your support. Capture One Pro: Should you buy a perpetual license or a subscription? Pingback: September 23, at Capture One starts pre-sale of version 22 — DJP. Pingback: October 28, at



Capture one pro 12 upgrade price free.Capture One announces special upgrade path to Capture One 22 for new users


Considering their updates history, C1 is basically a one time purchase without further updates. It is insane that a simple compatibility updates can't be added for newer bodies. There are many expensive softwares, but none of them has such poor updates policy. While compatibility updates would be great, I foresee their argument of going with a subscription model in that case. I am somewhat grateful that there IS a perpetual license model. If you're a hobbyist and changing cameras at a pace of 5 years and use the editing software on a weekly or monthly basis, subscription models have extremely low value for money.

C1 had quite attractive promotions in the past. Otherwise, I'd say you'd have to include software price in your considerations when buying a new camera body Looking at the price increase of camera gears R5, zoom.. I think PROs which may upgrade gear every year, those prices should be nothing as photo gear is way more expensive. Also think that software development costs money to make and maintain. And what about the software developers, if they go, the knowledge goes away, so money must be made to keep them around.

Money is being made through extensive and relevant software updates. Giving your customers added value to their purchase. Not via the easy solution that Capture One seem to have adopted. That will only lead to short term gain and long term loss. Capture One is an essential part of commercial work for its tethering ability. The cost may be high, but it works while the client's are staring at the monitor.

There may be other raw convertors, but none of them tether as well. Do I like the increased cost? Not really, but the clients impression means a lot.

I agree C1 is by far the best at tethering. All the pricing changes could be a storm in a tea cup, as they routinely issue discount codes. I do think the announcement of a price rise was poorly timed, especially given the relatively poor reception of C21 and the lack of support for a number of camera bodies.

I think the company need to interact more with its customer base, even the C1 forums have no support interaction, leaving customers frustrated or reliant on other users to help them out. Time will tell, whether they get away with it. But it does not show a good competition analysis and sensibility towards their covid shaken customer base, many of them without an appropriate health insurance and covid impacted businesses.

Obviously doesn't have all the features but still give you enough. I am glad I didn't use their products I think these pricing plans are suicidal while many people don't even have a job. The prices are for those who have a job, just like the price of cars, airplanes, boats, professional cameras, printers and lighting equipment. For those who like to use the free software, etc. If you get the right deal, you can break even with Adobe leasing model in just over a year.

And then never have to pay a penny more if you don't want. And while new camera models may not be supported, if you change cameras every couple not years, saving money is not your priority anyway. Tons of people. But some people have always whined and claimed they would be willing to pay much more upfront to avoid a subscription. I guess this is the option they were asking for. Canon user, no reduced price version of C1 available 2.

C1 pricing in Euro much higher than in USD 3. Canon DPP raw engine with powerful editing functionality with full local edits on raws and reasonably intuitive user interface - as in LR "develop" module. Exposure X6 is pretty close to what you describe. With Topaz Denoise and Affinity Photo you get everything you need as amateur. Thanks for suggestion, but I don't think so. I want 1 single software to do all work on raw files all the way to output. Been there, done that, horror!

One single, integrated software package with enough functionality for my needs and reasonably intuitive UI was the major attraction of LR to me. I was and am quite happy with it as permanent license. Bought updates every years or so, whenever I saw some worthwhile improvement for my workflow was added.

I don't understand why Adobe is willing to maintain their functionally hopelessly underpowered PS Elements - with permanent license! I got a good 4 years out of LR 6 standalone. But various people would probably disagree with you about what elements should be included - e.

The problem with any such "solution" is that it just wouldn't be a viable proposition for Adobe. They, like any other company are a business that wants to generate the largest profit they can get away with.

That's why they use the subscription model - which is actually extremely good value compared to the alternative of purchasing new "perpetual" software everytime you add a new camera or lens to your kit. Photographers are a funny bunch, they will spend thousands on camera equipment and upgrade often, they will buy computers, expensive monitors but when it comes to software it needs to be somewhere close to free.

Lightroom and photoshop deal, it's costs me 12 euro per month, I get updates it works great. It's no worse in terms of cost than netflix or spotify or tidal or most of the other services people willingly pay for. At least with the Adobe deal or Capture One you get to keep all your images and if you exported them as Tiffs or JPGs you get the edited version too. With all the those streaming services when you quit you get nothing. Stujomo - I couldn't agree more.

I wonder sometimes if these whingers realise that almost everything in their life is paid by "subscription" or regular instalments of one kind or another - mortgages, car purchase, vehicle tax, home and car insurance, motor fuel, electricity, gas, landline and mobile bills, water supply, sewage, club memberships etc. So, by refusing to sell "LR lite" for eg. PS: also don't have any subscriptions for Netflix, amazon prime, Spotify etc.

I try as best as I can to not add more "automated monthly money suckers" to my bank account. Want to upgrade it some time to a mirrorfree FF camera with MP to natively fill any 8k display with quality pixels plus some cropping reserve.

My guess is around Black Friday Yes, also an 8k monitor. My guess is also around black Friday Plus a large 8k display eg TV set as decent digital picture frame on my wall. Maybe already by Black Friday , but want camera first. LR and Photoshop for ten dollars a month?

You better believe that's a bargain. Capture One no way, no how. It's kept constantly up to date with the latest camera and lens profiles, and gets extra functionality and speed enhancements about 3 or 4 times a year. There were other minor reductions for other versions with styles and such. However, after subscribing updating to Capture One 21, it deactivated my license for V20! Capture one is a great program, but the company is getting greedier and greedier with time.

Once you change programs, you lose all your edits and have to start over. You can apply that to old versions e. They really need to communicate this better. I've never allowed my files to be held hostage by software whether it's photographs or document formats. Use software to initially organize, but for the master file s , manually organize your major edits, partial edits, etc. Also, are their company direct and indirect costs getting higher and higher as time as well?

C1 is way too expensive for non Pro use. Adobe is smarter than this. This is shown in the invoice. Canon user here, so only C1 21 Pro is applicable, permanent license, no superfluous styles needed.

Teila Day, ".. Sorry, I don't buy that argument. As the character House said, "You don't get what you deserve, you get what you get. The latest update is another example of, IMO, poor business practice. They have an update coming but don't tell anyone what the update is going to be.

Then toss on a discount for those that buy it ahead of time. A few years ago, I trashed Adobe for its subscription model, but it's a deal now and makes a great combination package. Capture One is not a full-fledged package at present. It is missing some useful features. But, because I choose virtual editing, I'm locked in for now. If a program has features or speeds that make your life considerably easier, then that's value inherent to that software..

The bottom line is that C1 offers notably quick editing for many users in order to get to the results that they like, faster than competing products. C1 like Photoshop is something that I'd only purchase every blue moon. I don't have a need to upgrade C1 until it's worth it to me which likely won't be for a few years. I don't mind Adobe, et al.

I won't comment on Phase One's business practices because it doesn't affect me enough for me to worry about it. For Sony cameras try this free Sony software. For perpetual it sound like a good idea at first but they have been releasing new version every year so your version will not get any update after 1 year. The price of upgrading perpetual license is enough to pay adobe subscription - which you get both lightroom and photoshop. If you know you are not going to get any new gears, and does not need any new software update support, then getting perpetual license is fine.

Otherwise consider other product. What you outline is exactly why I said NO to C1. The price squeeze has been on for awhile now.

Business for them is getting harder and harder. The hype pressure is leaking, a flat tire is coming. Competition is making holes in C1's future. I lost a lot of respect when the new feature teaser videos came out, and there were only two. Unfortunately I know of at least one guy who paid up for the upgrade sight unseen and was grossly disappointed and felt duped. His own fault really. But if I am getting a new camera it sucks to know that my raw file will not be supported by the software and will need to pay the premium just to get the raw file imported.

Like photoshop or any software, I skip the soft updates and only update if the new features are compelling enough for me, otherwise I keep using C1 20 or in the case of Photoshop, CS6. Seems to me if one only uses what's actually needed, these so called "price hikes" hardly what I'd call 'expensive' for what one's getting aren't much of a 'hike' at all There is plenty of RAW converters out there to choose from - free, cheap and sort of expensive.

The choice is yours. We live in a free market economy and no one can force you to spend your money on something you do not want. I have been C1 user for nearly 20 years but have not upgraded to the latest version. I am happy to keep on using the version I have for years to come since I do not really need the new offerings in v.

So, I am well covered for all my needs, these price hikes do not affect me at all. For me the clone and healing tools introduced in I'm passing on v21 though. The good thing unless they change it is that the upgrade cost from v20 to v22 will likely be the same as the upgrade cost from v21 to v So they don't penalize you if you skip one upgrade.

MikeRan This is the great thing about the choice we have and the informed decisions we can make based on our individual needs. Most of the softwares these days have a free trial period too, so we can try them before committing. We have been spoiled for choice in so many ways for a long time. I do not really get the whining of some people complaining about a software being too expensive or too limiting in features or too this or too that.

If it is too expensive for you or you do not like its features, do not buy it and try something else! It is as simple as that. Some people will never be happy no matter what. I appreciate C1 but it is way too expensive compared to adobe. It might be a little betten in some ways but not enough for me to switch. Plus I still need photoshop also, therefore can not escape Adobe. It's been more than a couple of years now, free from under Capture One's 'nickel and dime' squeeze pricing approach.

Just more business pressure. C1 that you can use year after year for those who don't upgrade just because , for either your enjoyment, artistic pursuits, or for actual paid work is considerably cheaper than a good pair of heels or a nice leather purse or jacket. About the same cost as a reasonably sturdy wheeled light stand or aluminum tripod. Do you need upgrades that much? I sure don't. The brand specific versions used to be 2 seats. With C1 version 21 released last month those numbers dropped by 1.

So full pro became 2 seats and brand specific pro became 1 seat. This pricing change is only one month later. The juggling of the of seats is as annoying as anything else, I can look at a new version and figure out whether the upgrade is worth it or not pretty easily but the of seats seems to vary not just by version but by date of purchase for each version if you just happened to buy a ver.

Definitely some questionable business practices. All that being said, the software for me is way better than Lightroom. So for now I continue to use it. Version Yeah v20 was the first one I've tried and I'm sticking with it for now, I do like it, luckily I don't intend to get a new body anytime soon.

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Sigma's new 20mm F1. Chris and Jordan run through their absolute favorite lenses for Sony E-Mount, including both Sony lenses and third party options. Nikon has released the financial results for the first quarter of its fiscal year, revealing increased year-over-year revenue and profits. Alfie Cameras is launching its Alfie TYCH next month on Kickstarter, but before then it needs beta testers to see how its triple lens half-frame camera performs.

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Analog photographer guru Markus Hofstaetter shows how he merges 21st-century technology with a 20th-century experience to streamline his analog photography workflow.

Reading mode: Light Dark. Login Register. Best cameras and lenses. Now reading: Some versions of Capture One are now more expensive comments. As of January 11, , these are the prices for Capture One products. The branded versions, along with the price increase, now include a pair of seats, whereas they previously included only a single seat. Click to enlarge. Current subscription pricing for Capture One.

Tags: capture-one , editing , post-processing , software , software-news. View Comments Comments All FujiGirl Well that's me finished with C1 now and I won't be upgrading anymore. Bruce Ferjulian I think the higher cost can be attributed to the creepy high priced models used in the marketing photos. But C1's better for grading.

Life is hard, eh. Class A I have to agree with morningoil. User I tried CaptureOne for Nikon D with mixed experience -- well, my DxO Photolab 4 is just fast, stable and reliable -- for videos I use Openshot -- that's a healthy mix of professional software and open source solution..

There have been two separate entities Phase One and Capture One for a while now. FujifilmXT3 laumi I know very well about Phase One backs and have owned several so get off your high horse. Brentliris I'll upgrade when the time is right. MikeRan Denoise prime integrated with a full featured raw developer may be enough for me to switch. Capture One is now the whipping boy, and Lightroom is now being praised!

Impulses Public opinion is fickle indeed, I still prefer the license model since I can for instance easily choose not to upgrade from v20 to v21 and just catch the next one, but the sub model was never my biggest objection against LR anyway.

StephaneB C1 users disappointed with the latest "upgrade" that does not fix any problem with the library, which is frankly sub-par compared to LR. It staggers me how poor C1's library is. I at least will wait and see. Dave Oddie I agree about the strange way they offered the update to V I think doing that works once as in once bitten, twice shy. PostModernBloke When I had a photography business, processing software was a business expense - tax deductible.

In addition, there are tons of freeware software on the market that are absolutely fantastic PortraitLover And the winner is Adobe Lightroom. Class A Sometimes one is forced to upgrade in order to get a bug fixed. Class A Handsome90 As an example, if you want a correctly working keystone tool, you won't get it with V StephaneB Another example is a library system that scans each and every raw file instead of querying its database when searching all pictures for a keyword.

C1 is still made to work primarily with sessions, meaning as a browser. HaroldC3 Yep, feel lucky to have purchased v20 perpetual. Dave Oddie I appreciate due to the simple reality of inflation prices rise. Class A C1 is not "pro level" software. Class A brycesteiner I don't think Photoshop's "Undo" is not working correctly or that every image touched up with a healing brush cannot be properly exported. Class A brycesteiner I'm not frustrated. C1 does not crash on my machine either.

Class A I used to recommend C1 to others but no longer do so. Adrenochrom I had bought the version 20 for Nikon and now I should pay almost the complete amount again. NarrBL Philip, they will. In fact, you get three concurrent activations as before.

Adrenochrom Ok, I own the Nikon version of CapturOne20, until last week I was shown on their website that CaptureOne21 Nikon can only be installed on one computer instead of two, this week it's back to 2 seats. Adrenochrom [NArrBL: I suspect Adrenochrom has been fooled by the fact that you have to go into the website and clear no longer used activations to get back your full set.

NarrBL Adrenochrom, you're right, I learned later. Maybe the comments here can help them on approach. Toni Salmonelli I currently run C1 Ver.

They are struggling with both usability design and quality control. Nilangsu Point completely understood. They are very nice. Regards Nilangsu. C1 used to be much better in terms of colour editing, but LR has been catching up lately. David Cartagena In some ways it's better in some ways it's not.

I have and use both but mostly use LR. That said, I can almost bring both to the same level after 15 minutes of wrestling with LR. I already have two installations with C1 12 under one licence if that is what was meant. James Grove A second seat essentially means you can, as per the license, install and use the software on 2 separate computers. Dave Oddie Skipping a year is all well and good if you don't lock yourself out of an upgrade price in future by doing so.

Eric Hensel We've seen plenty of evidence that that behavior will not necessarily continue. NotANumber Considering their updates history, C1 is basically a one time purchase without further updates.

Atahualpa While compatibility updates would be great, I foresee their argument of going with a subscription model in that case. Nicolas Det Looking at the price increase of camera gears R5, zoom.. Moreover you get a free version for some of the most popular brands.

Especially you have the possibility to purchase perpetual license. Igor Karpov c1 has never been cheap. RamonMata I think PROs which may upgrade gear every year, those prices should be nothing as photo gear is way more expensive.

Knock Knock Who is There Money is being made through extensive and relevant software updates. RamonMata Well that is not a rule but a good suggestion. Steven Lungley Capture One is an essential part of commercial work for its tethering ability. James Grove I agree C1 is by far the best at tethering.

Pixel Time will tell, whether they get away with it. Discombobulated I am glad I didn't use their products Teila Day The prices are for those who have a job, just like the price of cars, airplanes, boats, professional cameras, printers and lighting equipment.

You don't get something for nothing. Darktable and Raw Therapee. Food before photos. Even if you pay full price, once you hit the third year it's savings all the way.

HatWearingFool Tons of people. Stujomo Photographers are a funny bunch, they will spend thousands on camera equipment and upgrade often, they will buy computers, expensive monitors but when it comes to software it needs to be somewhere close to free.

Yet when it comes to software, it's all shouting, whingeing and arm-waving Stujomo entoman - Yep and when you use decent software you get a better user experience too, which is often the one of the reasons for the euro body in the first place. As you can easily see, I got no money to spare for expensive software subscriptions.

Reilly Diefenbach LR and Photoshop for ten dollars a month? They are entering a commercial cul-de-sac, I am afraid. Teila Day I've never allowed my files to be held hostage by software whether it's photographs or document formats. David Mantripp xeppelin, I guess the difference in price is largely down to tax. Sc Teila Day, ".. Alan Hough For Sony cameras try this free Sony software. They 'offer' existing user for a discounted upgrade without disclosing any new feature.

MikeRan I agree. Teila Day Like photoshop or any software, I skip the soft updates and only update if the new features are compelling enough for me, otherwise I keep using C1 20 or in the case of Photoshop, CS6. MikeRan For me the clone and healing tools introduced in I walked away from the Fan Boy Hype. Teila Day Really? But if you want to maintain thats grossly expensive This is just giving back what they took away in December. Impulses The juggling of the of seats is as annoying as anything else, I can look at a new version and figure out whether the upgrade is worth it or not pretty easily but the of seats seems to vary not just by version but by date of purchase for each version if you just happened to buy a ver.

MikeRan Definitely some questionable business practices. Impulses Yeah v20 was the first one I've tried and I'm sticking with it for now, I do like it, luckily I don't intend to get a new body anytime soon.

You may also like. LumaFusion 3. Latest sample galleries. Sigma 24mm F1. Canon EOS R10 production sample gallery. See more galleries ». Latest in-depth reviews. What they did with the Pentax z unsupported BS is also cringe worthy, nobody is asking them to support z, they purposely block it even though its the same sensor for fuji , hassy, phase one. If it was a small payment for existing users, it would be fine but C1 charges a whole new program price for minor upgrades.

As many mentioned below, every year the updrading just renders the "life-time" meaning less. The actual benefit of upgrading is questionable, but obviously it tries to force you to pay the "annual fee", even you chose a "life time license". Another good example is that as a subscriber, the upgrading is free! It tries to be better than Adobe, but anyone with a proper brain would realize that these is no difference.

I am still using my lightroom 6 and adobe creative cs5. All I have to do is convert to dng. If they added features that i really care about maybe I will upgrade, I am not a digital artist. I think i got capture 1 pro 12 on sale for half off still using it. All that money i saved all those years haha. It just seems like they're not even trying anymore, and I'm not sure they even have software developers working on certain programs I guess, at least if you buy it outright, not only do you own a copy of the software, you are not forced into upgrading and can run the version you own for as long as you like and as long as you don't need any newer features.

Subscriptions keep you paying money as if you would automatically upgrade to every new version and you loose the software the moment you stop paying. The C1 styles are the single worst thing I have ever wasted my money on.

Cost a fortune, all are a pretty poor. Do what I do and make your own styles. It really isn't that hard. I would never purchase styles when I have bought the software that makes it possible for me to create my own.

Most style packs come with maybe only one or two styles you would actually use anyway. Their styles are a complete waste of money for me. The fact they went down this road to try to improve revenue weakens the product because you can not use standard LUTs to colour grade. I don't expect any company to sell software and update it perpetually for a one-time fee. That's not a recipe for survival.

But I do expect upgrading to be optional, based on the benefits offered. No bang, no buck. Stitching and decent HDR would be something worth paying for. The ability to open files from 5 new cameras I don't own would not be worth anything, yet I pay Adobe every month, regardless. The lifetime licence means the software won't time-out after a while. It doesn't get you updates past the first year They hope users to upgrade, like every other software manufacturer. But you don't have to, contrary to a subscription model.

It's easy to create your own styles, based on your own liking and taste. I don't pay a subscription fee as, like you say, I don't want to pay for features I wont use. Also subscriptions only have two or three different versions of the software and after a while they drop the oldest version so you'd be forced to upgrade if you find a particular version you like. I prefer the 'one off' cost, then I can upgrade to a newer version several years down the line, therefore saving money in the long run.

We should be able to have a one off purchase on software and free camera compatibility upgrades. To me this would be the main reason to getting C1. They still have to spend time and effort supporting the R3, presumably they would have to charge you more for 21 in order to cover those costs Well it isn't like they charge you extra money to support your new camera profile.

Instead they also charge you money to support ALL the other cameras included in an upgrade. So you are in essence paying for a support library far greater than your needs. It is one thing I liked about adobe. After all profile support should in fact not cost extra. At least not hundreds of euros. It is work they need to do anyways after all. I'm on v20 right now but an upgrade will end up running me as much as a full license when it goes on sale, so unless they don't run as many sales in the future or also put the upgrades on sale they've really devalued their upgrade pricing.

Please stop parroting marketing BS. This is not a lifetime license. But five years down the line, when you are forced to purchase a newer version compatible with your OS and or current camera RAW files, think of the money you saved not having to pay the subscription fee for five years.

In this way they will continue taking your money indefinitely. At the end of the day, there is no difference to Adobe model. If you are on MacOS, then yes the program will only be good for max 5 years before an os upgrade will break it.

But on windows, well i still use Photoshop CS2 and I can't see any reason to upgrade it. And I still use Visual Basic 6 which is about 30 years old now and runs on windows If it's any good, it'll save me a round trip or two to other dedicated products.

Just keep in mind that if you buy the manufacturer-specific version, all your RAW files from other manufacturers aren't supported. That used to be a really good deal. They usually do that about May each year if I remember correctly. And with the updates to Lightroom and the R5 profiles, I'm pretty sure I'm going to save money and go with Adobe now. But I'll keep CaptureOne around as long s it's viable for those special color adjustments.

To be honest that's a pretty good deal, as you get to use C1 V21 now and then get another years use of C1 Seems ok to me, but I am on a subscription model for Nikon only. The biggest thing that forces you to upgrade is camera support, since older versions don't support new cameras.

If you buy new camera bodies as they come out, you'll probably need the latest version of Capture One. Even more reason not to upgrade your camera or software so often and make use of the perfectly good equipment you already have. I'm generalising of course as everyone's needs differ but I'd say for a lot of dedicated enthusiasts, this is probably true. I wish there was a subscription based version that lets you only edit maybe photos per months but costs only 10 bucks per month.

I figure I'll probably keep getting every other version I remember how much 5, images a year would have cost to develop and print in the days of film and your comment just seems out of touch and even a bit ludicrous.

SilvanBromide, umm, criticizing another poster of being "out of touch" and then relating to the costs of the film days at the same time In any case, I also think that 5k images isn't actually that bad. I don't have that many that I keep and still I find a software such as C1 very helpful. And that a few cents per image over the span of a year or two isn't unreasonable compared to most of the alternatives digital OR film. So you can pay for the next version now and get it later..

Yes I have the current C1 and have upgraded for some time, but its still, by a mile, the most expensive raw development software, with the worst noise reduction of them all - but of you want to just throw images into it and get results with a nice pop it isn't bad Exactly my thought. The next versione is just around the corner so this buy one and get one free scheme is quite a stretch. Perhaps this is a move away from enticing punters with discounts to buy sight unseen versions like last time.

I don't think this offer is aimed at people like you who already have the current version, but it can be enticing for those who don't already have C1 or are on an older version. If you don't know how to use NR properly, then you really shouldn't comment. I agree with those who are feeling burned by the increased cost of upgrading with very limited return, but to say that C1 is inferior at NR or pretty much any other major image alteration element simply is not in tune with reality.

The full license and subscription pricing isn't an issue for those who want the best possible RAW processing - and have done the proper comparisons with the offerings that have so clearly fallen behind. I personally think it is great software that allows me to edit images in a very efficient way thanks to, for instance, the configurable keyboard shortcuts. However, it does have its peculiarities.

Halos at the edges of darkened areas e. These can be corrected to some extent with negative structure. I've done a lot of work on NR and I'm very comfortable saying C! Alas we can't post sample images here. In C1P I found it still has a ton of artefacts after you lose the obvious noise I could get the people looking quite good, but everything else was nasty.

Plus annoyingly there will always be a deal along to make you feel bad if you paid the full price I'll wait and see if they improved the database speed. I can open my image collection in Media Pro and search through it in 1 minute. In Capture One it takes 1 hour. So I'll stay on version 20 for now. And fixed all the various catalog related bugs and instabilities, at least on the Windows platform. There is always special when a company is "asking" for more money. The bait will attract the sheep for sure!

As a long time LR user, subscription model, who bought C1 20 with the concept of perpetual license, no more subscription. Seeming like the benefits to perpetual license are more an illusion of control than an actual functional benefit. So far, I take photos commercially and it is not a problem for me to buy the latest version of CO I still skip one version. However, after I finish a commercial photo shoot, or something forces me to quit or, for example, a new version of CO does not bring me anything like 20 vs 21 nothing forces me to buy a new version.

What will I get when I stop paying Adobe subscriptions. It's not that difficult. I mean I've been using the same C1 version since early , with no intent to upgrade until major new features like HDR land. Choosing when and for how much I decided to upgrade is still somewhat more flexible than the sub model IMO, but there's also a ton of value in Adobe's CC sub.

OP: i feel your pain pal. I got the same bombardment since I refused to upgrade to a smartphone all those years ago. A single day doesn't go by without some cheeky profiteering company trying to tell me what I am missing out. And the manufacturer of my car now tells me I can buy a new electric model that goes times the distance for the same cost compared to the petrol one they sold me last year!

Greedy bastards! I wish they would just stop developing new things every year, or at least upgrade me for free! Heh, I'm curious to see if they keep handling sales the same way and running them as frequently, it nearly makes upgrade pricing irrelevant IMO So yeah imma wait a bit on v20 as well. I'm glad to see them giving a bit more information on the upgrades than they have in the past few years. This also seems like a bit meatier upgrade that the last few. Will wait for DXO Photolab 5 than.

Let's wait and see what they have to offer. Because they do camera specific versions for those three. I think for a long time Sony was the only one.

You got a free version and can still get the free version made available to you if you bought a Sony. The cash is for the full version which used to be called Capture One Pro I think. They changed the naming a couple of years ago confusingly. Why should I as a owner of a different brand camera pay more? Let Capture One make the same price point for every user to make me a customer. They need customers, as a potential use I have multiple alternatives. The brand-specific versions are cheaper because they have less functionality they only work with raw files from one brand.

As already said, if the other manufacturers aren't interested in such a deal, that's not really the fault of Phase One. There is a full version that does all raw files of all brands. Then there is a paid pro version that only does raw files for Sony, Nikon or Fujifilm - then there is a cut down version for those 3 systems which only work for their raw files and is free.

No lens data, no serial number, few lens profiles, no pixel shift support, no tethering etc. I have been asking CO for better Pentax support for nearly a decade - response -- crickets. I still do not know if they support the Z PEF files. There are work arounds but you have to edit the EXIF in order to get it to work. There is a comparison on their website. Colour balance, a tool that lets you adjust the colour tone for shadow, mids and highlights is a tool well worth the upgrade for me.

I have stopped asking for features. I was contacted by phone last year asking if I was interested in getting a Phase One body by Phase One. I asked why Pentax features were not supported and the guy on the other side of the conversation said paraphrasing "some vendors don't give out that information - our hands are tied". I did not mention ExifTool's ability to translate lens data - so I just didn't bring it up. PDL The excuse given by the C1 representative is nonsense. I told them how to get at the lens data and every company worth their salt should be able to figure it out.

Lightroom properly displays information from Pentax cameras, there really is no insurmountable barrier here. Note that C1 is developed by Capture One these days, i. Capture One just thinks that Pentax is too insignificant to even warrant the couple of hours it would take to implement proper support. I agree that C1 is better than LR if only because one can still get a perpetual license but it still has serious deficiencies regarding UI design.

The recent modal exporter dialogue experiment is just one example of many minor but quite impactful bad decisions. Your comments on the UI are not broadly held. While the exporter design was a questionable choice, it was not as bad as you made out.

They changed it so it is now on available again on the primary tab list. It was different, but I did not have a fit over it. Sigma's been on a roll with their mirrorless Art series lenses. Does the new 24mm F1. It brings a new, 25MP sensor and bit 4K capture at up to p. We've put it to the test, both in the studio and out in the field. In our tests it delivers big performance and offers a few good reasons why you might choose a 12th-Gen Intel laptop over a Mac.

Canon's high end APS-C mirrorless camera has plenty of compelling features, but is it worth the price? Jordan took it on vacation to find out. But is it enough to outclass the competition? We dive deep to find out where it excels and what it's like to fly. These capable cameras should be solid and well-built, have both speed and focus for capturing fast action and offer professional-level image quality.

What's the best camera for shooting landscapes? High resolution, weather-sealed bodies and wide dynamic range are all important. In this buying guide we've rounded-up several great cameras for shooting landscapes, and recommended the best.

If you're looking for the perfect drone for yourself, or to gift someone special, we've gone through all of the options and selected our favorites. Although a lot of people only upload images to Instagram from their smartphones, the app is much more than just a mobile photography platform.

In this guide we've chosen a selection of cameras that make it easy to shoot compelling lifestyle images, ideal for sharing on social media. Sony has announced in-camera forgery-proof photo technology for its a7 IV mirrorless camera. The technology, aimed at corporate users, cryptographically signs images in-camera to detect future pixel modification and tampering. It uses tracks, cords and hooks to store your gear flat against the wall without hiding it from view.

The new Sigma 24mm F1. Check out our sample gallery to see how sharp it is, as well as how it handles flare, chromatic aberrations and sunstars. Sigma's new 20mm F1. Chris and Jordan run through their absolute favorite lenses for Sony E-Mount, including both Sony lenses and third party options. Nikon has released the financial results for the first quarter of its fiscal year, revealing increased year-over-year revenue and profits.

Alfie Cameras is launching its Alfie TYCH next month on Kickstarter, but before then it needs beta testers to see how its triple lens half-frame camera performs. NASA is preparing for a simulated Mars mission that will house four crew members in a module on Earth. The crew will remotely control drones and rovers to collect rock samples on a simulated Mars. Skypersonic, a remote control drone company, is supplying mission-critical technology as part of the mission.

The explosion created one of the most energetic short-duration gamma-ray bursts ever observed. The Tamron Lens Utility Mobile app is set to launch later this year. The app will let you use your compatible Android device to control, customize and update compatible Tamron lenses without the need for a computer.

The images, which appear to be screenshots from a press briefing, reveal some of the details of the forthcoming lens. The Peter McKinnon camera tool features a patent-pending design that features integrated Phillips and flathead drivers, as well as extendable arms capable of holding four other bits that can be swapped out to fit your needs. Nikon has updated the firmware for its Nikkor Z 50mm F1.

Is this good or bad for the industry, and what are the long-term implications? It's a far cry from the conventional lenses you're used to seeing, but it's sure to give you a look, unlike any optic you can purchase online. The PGM0. Sigma is set to release new 'products' next week, on August 8, What do you think Sigma has in store? Check out some summer vacation photos from beautiful British Columbia to see for yourself. Hardware data recovery is complex, requiring sophisticated, expensive equipment.

A data recovery expert in Poland, Enter Serwis, has shown off how they use a Spider Board to recover data from a non-functioning memory card. This second-generation lens is smaller than its predecessor and uses a stepping motor, compared to the linear ultrasonic motors used in Samyang's first-generation 85mm F1. Destin Sandlin of Smarter Every Day is back with the second part of his three-part tour of the Kodak factory.

This time, Sandlin shows how Kodak applies light-sensitive coating to the film support base we saw produced in the first factory tour. Analog photographer guru Markus Hofstaetter shows how he merges 21st-century technology with a 20th-century experience to streamline his analog photography workflow. Reading mode: Light Dark. Login Register. Best cameras and lenses. Now reading: Capture One announces special upgrade path to Capture One 22 for new users comments. Tags: capture-one , software-news , update , upgrade.

View Comments Comments All This hobby is getting a little expensive now days. BigBibbs Capture one is mainly aimed at professionals, not hobbyists.

The Dancing Babamef finally. OBI Can't wait. Hopefully, there will be more goodies in ver They have taken a lot of time before introducing it. I hope it is up to the high standards we expect from Capture One. I don't know why but I'm tired of the Lr sub model. I'm not a fan of neither LR or C1. Charles OHara It makes no sense to create "a catalog per shot - or per month".


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